Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is made up of the 4 components as shown in the 2nd infographic
Through this article I will be breaking down what each one is and the control we have over it.
BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)
BMR is based on your Age, Height and Weight, and makes up around 70% of your TDEE (the amount of energy your body burns to function daily). Now, BMR is not something we have too much control over, but it does adapt.
For example, when you start your weight loss journey and you are successful in losing weight, your BMR will lower. The lighter you are, the lower your BMR will be. Age and height, we have no control over, but over the years will affect your BMR; but this is certainly nothing to concern yourself over.
NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis)
NEAT is all the energy you use up doing incidental exercise. Examples are; taking the stairs instead of the lift, parking further away, standing at your desk, pacing while talking on the phone and even down to facial expressions and fidgeting.
This, we have control over. A conscience effort needs to be made to maintain or increase your NEAT especially during a calorie deficit (CD), in an effort to lose weight, as your body will try and fight it. In a calorie deficit, you will unconsciously sit more, move and walk less.
Some ways that you can easily increase or maintain your NEAT:
· Get a smart watch and workout the daily steps you take before you start your CD;
· Make sure you hit that step goal (or more), every day after starting your CD;
· Park further away or leave your car at home and walk to locations instead;
· Take the stairs;
· Buy a standing desk;
· Ride to work;
· Join in with your kids at the park; or
· Take your dog for a walk more
I understand not all these options will suit everyone, just find what works for you and stick to it. Consistency is key!
Focusing on your daily NEAT will have a huge impact on your weight loss journey.
TEF (Thermic Effect of Food)
How much energy your body burns processing the food you eat. Different foods have different thermic effects. For example, Protein burns more calories during digestion (around 30%), than both fat and carbohydrates combined (around 10% each). Protein also has higher satiety level which help you feel fuller for longer.
Try adding more protein to your diet and see if it makes a difference for you.
To help you, here is a short list of some high protein foods:
· Protein Shakes
· Chicken,
· Turkey
· Kangaroo
· Almonds
· Greek Yoghurt
· Oats
· Eggs
· Fish
· Broccoli
EAT (Exercise Activity Thermogenesis)
Finally, EAT, also known as planned exercise, is the hour in the gym, the run you went on, playing a sport, all your conscious, planned exercise. EAT only makes up for around 5% of your TDEE, so even though playing sport, hitting the weights or going for a run benefits you in many other positive physical and mental ways, it only makes up a small percentage of your TDEE.
So there you have it, a brief look into what is TDEE.
Answered a few questions I’m sure, but also raised a whole lot more. Ask away, we will answer, we are here to educate you.