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Progressive Overload

Progressive overload in its most basic form means, ‘doing more over time.’ This could be through more reps, heavier weights, less time between sets, just to name a few options.

Progressive overload should not be added into your training routine until your technique in any given exercise is correct as adding in progressive overload before you have the technique correct could be an injury waiting to happen. So, let’s look at some steps to introducing this into your training routine.

STEP 1: Nail that technique!

Technique is critical in all forms of training. Without correct technique, you will not be targeting the muscle groups in each exercise correctly and could be exposing yourself to risk of injury and not getting the maximum benefit from your exercise.

Once you have technique, here are 6 common ways you can add progressive overload into your training session:

  1. Increased range of motion: Within technique is range of motion, improvements in form (including range of motion) must always come before any other form of progressive overload.

  2. Increase weight: Every week add a little more weight to the bar, move the pin one more plate down, even a small weight added often leads to a large increase in weight over time. 0.5kg added weekly leads to a 26kg weight increase over 1 year!

  3. Increase reps: Each visi, aim to the gym add 1 rep (rep = number of times you perform an exercise)

  4. Less time between sets: Take sorter rests between sets giving you less recovery time. This also adds a little cardio into your weights routine by keeping you moving more. (Set = number of cycles of reps you complete)

  5. Increase sets: Adding more sets but keeping the same weight and reps.

  6. Increase weekly frequency: Same reps, sets and weight but more often during the week.

To continue seeing results in the gym, ensure progressive overload is a focus for you. If you would like more assistance with your training programme please see our Personal Trainers Simon and Demi, they would love to help!

For a more in-depth look at progressive overload and some more ways to add progressive overload to your training please follow this link

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